Sunday, October 20, 2019

Why use a PTM in your application?

When adapting or creating new applications that use Persistent Memory (PM), developers are faced with two main choices: using a PTM or manually placing flushes and fences.

If they chose hand-placed fences, they have to worry about the correct placement of the clwbs, sfences and, in which situations are non-temporal stores a better choice performance-wise.
Placing these fences correctly can be a difficult task that even expert researchers will occasionally get wrong.
One incorrect fence or flush is enough the prevent the recovery of the application in the event of a crash, thus losing or even corrupting data in PM permanently.
Moreover, dealing with concurrency must also be done by hand, yet another non-trivial task.
Finding expert developers that are capable of dealing with durability and concurrency is likely the reason why database engines are a costly piece of software that requires a team of experts to assemble.

If the application developer chooses instead to use a PTM, concerns of how to make the code durable and concurrent, disappear.
The developer's task now becomes the identification of which blocks of code and data must be accessed in an atomic way, and encapsulate those inside a transaction. Notice that identifying atomicity of data is a task required even when choosing the hand-placement of flushes and fences.
Another advantage of using a PTM is that any modifications to allocator metadata during allocation or de-allocation, becomes part of the transaction, implying that there will be no persistent memory leaks due to loss of metadata when a crash occurs.
For the end-developer, the code within a transaction block can be reasoned about as if it were sequential.
This shift of complexity from the application developer to the PTM library implementer, tremendously increases development speed for the application developer, reduces bug count and improves code maintainability.

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