Friday, January 17, 2025

Can Transactions and Coroutines co-exist?


The other day, I was daydreaming about what the "perfect language" for concurrency would look like, and one of the design options I was considering, was how useful were coroutines, and can they coexist with transactions?

Spoiler alert: the answer is an almost certainly no.


There is usefulness in the transactional model and in the coroutine model. Transactions are a nice way to solve problems which need to share data across different execution contexts, while coroutines are a way to reduce latency for problems which are naturally asynchronous, and perhaps a way to increase scalability for fully disjoint-access-parallel problems, such as sessions on a web server, though I would argue this scalability stems from the "task" where the coroutine runs, and not the usage of the coroutines by themselves.

Transactions running in threads can also scale, but when a thread executes a blocking call, then that one thread is now blocked, and threads are costly to fire up and maintain, while tasks (which run the coroutines) are cheap to fire up in terms of latency and memory usage.


Leaving that aside for a moment, let's take a look at what happens when we mix coroutines with transactions.

Clearly calling a transaction from inside a coroutine has no semantical issues:



result = spawn({

  transaction { funcB(); }





This is, assuming that only transactions can access shared data, and that the spawn() will start a new task (possibly on a different thread).

A new task (or thread) will be spawned, and the coroutine will execute in it, at which time it will start a transaction. The transactional scope is fully inside the co-routine's lifetime. All is good.


The other way around is not as obvious:


transaction {


 result = spawn({ funcB(); });





This seems correct as well.

The transaction starts, executes funcA(), then it starts a new task. Here there are two design choices: either we say that the code inside the coroutine is not part of the transaction, or we say that it is part of the same transaction which spawned it.

The first choice is tricky, because it means we need to carry the transaction's context over to another task or thread and continue the transaction there as if it was the same, which is technically hard. Also, we can't have the same transaction being simultaneously executed from two parallel execution contexts, which means we would not be able to run both at the same time, which defeats the whole point of having co-routines, in which case, we may as well make the spawn() become a no-op and just execute its contents on the same thread.

Semantically, it makes more sense to have the funcB() execute in its own execution context, i.e. outside the transaction, and this is fine too: the two contexts (the main one and the coroutine) must not share any data with each other, but everything should work fine, at least on this simple example.


The troubles start when we use transactions outside and inside a coroutine:


transaction {


 result = spawn({

   transaction { funcB(); }






Should this be treated the same as a flat-nested transaction?

The answer is no, this is not possible, because the coroutine transaction may be executing in a different thread, and the developer asked that the call to funcB() be atomic, i.e. not interleaved with whatever is being done in the outer transaction, i.e. the calls to funcA() and funcC().

These are two separate transactions, possibly executed in two different threads, and with their own contexts.

Notice that using a coroutine only makes sense if there is no shared data between the caller and the coroutine, which being true, will allow for both steps to execute at the same time. On the other hand, if they do happen to share data, then the two transactions will conflict and serialize with each other, which is not efficient but will be correct.


At this moment you may be asking: if a coroutine is not supposed to share data with the caller, then why does it need to execute a transaction?

The answer is: the coroutine may not share data with the caller thread, but it may need to access data shared with other threads.



Another question: is it ok to wait inside the transaction for the a coroutine to complete?


transaction {


 result = spawn({

   transaction { funcB(); }






At first sight this may seem innocuous enough, but suppose that funcB() accesses data in common with funcC(). This means the two transactions will conflict, which means one of them will be executed after the other. Remember that transactional conflicts can only be detected at run-time.

If the Transactional Engine decides to execute the transaction with funcB() first, and then execute the transaction with funcA() and funcC(), that's ok.

But what if it decides to execute the outer transaction first? Well, then we've dead-locked haven't we? The call to wait_for() will wait indefinitely for the transaction with funcB() to execute, but that transaction won't start until the outer transaction itself has re-started.


To make matters worse, take the following change:

transaction {

 sometimes = funcA();  // might return true or false

 if (sometimes) {

   result = spawn({

     transaction { funcB(); }




 if (sometimes) result.wait_for();



Consider what happens if on the first attempt sometimes=true and then funcB() and funcC() conflict, with both transactions restarting, and on the second execution of the outer transaction we will get sometimes=false, which means that funcB() shouldn't even be executed.

This means that we can't start executing the funcB() transaction until we've executed the funcA(), which means we need to execute the funcC() too, i.e. the whole funcA()+funcC() transaction, but for that transaction to finish, it must wait for the funcB() transaction to complete, which deadlocks again… see where this is going?


It's tempting to think that we can simply forbid calls to wait_for() inside a transaction, but this is only possible at run-time, and by then it's too late, the deadlock may already be happening. The compiler is not capable of checking for this, unless the language forbids the passing of "result" into other functions inside the transaction, because inside those functions, maybe there is a wait_for() call.

And how will the compiler know such a thing? How will the compiler know that inside an object that is being passed there is a sub-sub-sub-sub-object which is a result from a co-routine which in a sub-sub-sub-function will be called with wait_for()?

This doesn't seem possible to identify at compile-time.


Another tempting thing to choose is forbid transactions inside co-routines, but this has similar limitations: it's hard for the compiler to identify which functions contain transactions deeply nested in their code in sub-sub-sub-functions, and therefore, whether code passed to spawn() may have a transaction buried deeply in one of its calls.


It may be possible to overcome these obstacles using function coloring, a technique commonly used with coroutines, but this itself has limitations which personally I would not like to tackle.


So I guess the answer is, we are not able to mix coroutines and transactions. We have to pick one or the other.

I find this kind of disappointing, as both models have their strengths and weaknesses, but if I have to choose only one, then I the choice is extremely clear: go for transactions  ;)



The good news, is that tasks (i.e. structured concurrency) can be safely mixed with transactions.

And the truth is that tasks have clear entry and exit points, typically the "yield" function which is where the current task suspends and resumes, while coroutines do not: the coroutine starts at the spawn() but it's the wait_for() which determines the flow of execution.

Tasks by themselves already give the same scalability advantages as co-routines. The only added benefit of using co-routines is the reduced latency on an execution context, which has limited applicability.


The problem with using tasks is that they don't play well with blocking calls, including locks, but there are ways around it. For example, the Java folks did a great job with Virtual Threads, which is just another name for tasks

They changed all the blocking code in JDK and JVM to have a kind of if-this-is-a-virtual-thread-then-yield-to-the-executor pattern

This vanilla approach has the disadvantage of losing fairness, if the lock you're using is fair but the scheduler is unfair. However, there are ways to overcome this, therefore unfairness is not a big concern.


I'm not as radical as Brian Goetz when it comes to coroutines and the reactive programming model

IMO, there is usefulness in coroutines because they can reduce latency, not a lot, but some. The problem is that, as Brian points out, the bang-for-buck is really low: coroutines introduce a high cognitive overhead when applied in large code bases, with a low performance gain, and difficulty in debugging. Indeed, we can get most of the gains (scalability wise) from using tasks, like Java's Virtual Threads, and then when we take into consideration that none of these models provide sharing of data across threads (or tasks) and that you need another model for that, and that IMO transactions are the best model to share data and reason about code sequentially, then the choice becomes clear.

If you add on top of it, that coroutines seem incompatible with transactions, but tasks are compatible with transactions, then it leads us to the outcome that coroutines are not what you want when designing a new language. In comparison, a better model is to use tasks for dealing with blocking/asynchronous events, and transactions for dealing with sharing of data, or at least, this is my conclusion.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Why is Snapshot Isolation not enough?


Let's talk about why Snapshot Isolation is not enough for a general purpose concurrency control.


Snapshot Isolation has been adapted by several major database vendors however, it is rarely used outside of Database Management Systems… Why is that?

According to the wikipedia, Snapshot Isolation (SI) is a guarantee that all reads made in a transaction will see a consistent snapshot of the database (in practice it reads the last committed values that existed at the time it started), and the transaction itself will successfully commit only if no updates it has made conflict with any concurrent updates made since that snapshot.


First of all, the original definition of SI didn't provide a guarantee that the snapshot is done for a time instant during the transaction, it could be a snapshot of the data taken seconds, minutes or days before the transaction starts. But in practice, this is silly so let's go with the wikipedia definition which is a lot more reasonable.



SI can't implement simple data structures

Suppose we have a doubly-linked list with four nodes, of the form:


Two threads are executing transactions, with one attempting to remove node B and the other thread attempting to remove node D.

Each thread has its own (logical) snapshot of the data structure.

The first thread will set A->next to C and C->prev to A.

The second thread will set B->next to D and D->prev to B.


Notice that there is no lock conflict between these two operations because they are not modifying the same records. The first transaction modifies fields in records A and C, while the second transaction modifies fields in records B and D.

Under Snapshot Isolation both transactions will commit, which means that the doubly linked list will be left in an inconsistent state:

A->next is C

B->next is D

B->prev is A

C->next is D

C->prev is A

D->prev is B


This means that if a traversal is done from left-to-right, it will see the following nodes:


but if it is done from right to left it will see:


Both are wrong because C and B were logically removed from the list, but together they are complete garbage.


This shows that even a simple data structure, like a doubly-linked list, will lose its invariants when operations modify it under Snapshot Isolation.

I used to think that Snapshot Isolation was bad because the brains of most developers were not capable of handling the repercussions of this consistency model, but it turns out, the fault is not due to our punny human brains being unable to cope with forms of relaxed consistency, it's really about Snapshot Isolation being completely useless for general purpose code, such as data structures.

Don't misunderstand, it's usually ok to use SI for raw data (a counter example is the black-pebble-white-pebble problem by Jim Gray), but as soon as you have some invariants or pointer de-reference in your transaction, it's just going to give bad results, and it has nothing to do with our mental ability to handle relaxed consistency.



SI can't implement Transactions

When it comes to concurrency, I work a lot with the concept of transactions. I like to use it because a transaction is an intuitive way to express the intent of all-or-nothing. At its core, a transaction is a way for the developer to say:

I want this group of operations to be all-or-nothing.

In other words, the operations inside the transaction must appear as if they are all executed together, to each other and to other transactions. It's actually a bit more than this, but for the purpose we're aiming at now, it will suffice  ;)


The above is my own definition, but let me argue for it.

If we are grouping operations together and don't care about whether some are seen and others are not, then it's just a batch-of-operations, not a transaction. For example, suppose the developer expresses this intent:







  assert (operation_A_is_done() == operation_B_is_done());


On a batch-of-operations the assert could trigger, but on a transaction the assert will never trigger.


The problem with SI is that everything that is read in the transaction is done on a snapshot of the data and therefore it is all-or-nothing, but what is written is done at a much later time.

At first sight, this may seem innocuous enough, but it's problematic even on simple situations.

Take the following example, where x and y and two variables which start at zero and two transactions are being executed concurrently in two separate threads:

// Thread 1


  if (x == 0 && y == 0) x = 1;



// Thread 2


  if (x == 0 && y == 0) y = 1;



Notice that under a serializable history, only the x or the y will be changed from zero to one, but never both.

However, under SI, both transactions will be reading a snapshot of the data with x and y (where both are zero) and both transactions will be writing to these variables independently, which means both transactions commit.


In other words, the writes of the transaction and the reads of the transaction are each all-or-nothing, but they are not all-or-nothing with each other. It's as if the transaction is split into two separate transactions, where the read operations occur sometime in the past while the write operations occur now.

I don’t know about you, but this doesn't seem to me like what a transaction is supposed to do, which lead us to the next section.



SI can't express simple conditionals

Even a simple conditional can't be expressed in SI, if the conditional implies a write.

Take for example:

  if (c == 0) d = 1;

We're reading a variable c and writing to a variable d. It's pretty straightforward. However, under SI we are reading the variable c sometime in the past (we don't know exactly when) and writing to d now.

What if c is no longer at zero? SI may say it is still zero and set d to 1.

In other words, what SI allows us to express is not whether c is currently at zero, but whether c was zero at some point in the past. Put another way:

You want to express this:

  if (c == 0) d = 1;

but SI gives you this:

  if (c_was_zero_at_some_point_in_the_past()) d = 1;


See the problem now?



Who cares about SI?

Well, if we could make something consistent, anything really, out of Snapshot Isolation, then it would be really cool because SI allows for the implementation of concurrency controls which never restart. These are sometimes called zero-restart, or abort-free, or conflict-free concurrency controls and, if such a thing was possible with Serializability and DAP (Disjoint Access Parallelism), it would be one of the holy grails of concurrency.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to have DAP zero-restart concurrency controls with serializable isolation (nor higher forms of isolation). 

I believe the strongest isolation we can provide with the zero-restart property is Snapshot Isolation, however, as we've seen through this entire post, SI is useless for many applications, or at least it's useless the applications that I find interesting.

I don't know of anyone that has proven that DAP zero-restart concurrency controls are impossible with serializability, but I'm 100% sure of this impossibility result.


Without going too deep into details, having zero-restarts means we need to take a global lock (or some other global serialization mechanism) so that each operation/transaction executes one at a time, to ensure there are no conflicts, because if a conflict occurs, it will trigger a restart. Granted, not all conflicts need to be solved with a restart, but some of them need to (AB-BA are the simplest example), and if we want a general purpose concurrency control, which works in any situation, then the only way to guarantee zero-restarts is to take that global lock at the beginning of the operation. And, as everyone knows, taking a global lock will serialize all operations, which means no parallelism, which means no scalability.


Ultimately, Snapshot Isolation is interesting, but not useful for general purpose concurrency controls.