If you want to jump directly to the code, you can get it on github in C++ (with memory reclamation):
or in Java:
Saying that FAAArrayQueue is the fastest lock-free queue in the planet is a bold claim, but from what everybody tells us, the fastest lock-free queue is the LCRQ made by Adam Morrison and Yehuda Afek in 2013 http://www.cs.tau.ac.il/~mad/publications/ppopp2013-x86queues.pdfand as it so happens, the FAAArrayQueue is slightly slower and sometimes slightly faster than LCRQ, as you can see on the benchmarks below, all in C++, and all with arrays of 1024 entries per node (except Michael-Scott which has a single item per node):
The reason why FAAArray is a bit below LCRQ in the Enq-Deq tests is because of cache locality: in a single-enqueue-single-dequeue benchmark the LCRQ will keep re-using the same array, which means better cache locality, no new nodes created, and therefore, better throughput.
We're using an array of 1024 entries per node, but if we use a larger array then this difference fades away, but I won't do that because I think it's silly to have a linked-list based queue where each node has a large array (who uses that in practice?).
On the burst benchmark, the bursts are much larger than 1024, so it forces LCRQ to create new nodes, which means that it won't be able to re-use the array, and in that scenario, the FAAArrayQueue is equally good for dequeues and even better for enqueues.
LCRQ is non-portable because it requires a double-word compare-and-swap (CAS2), which means it can only be used in x86 and only for native code (no Java, sorry). FAAArrayQueue is capable of getting close to the performance of LCRQ and it is portable because it needs just regular CAS, i.e. you can implement it in Java, or using C++ for any architecture by using std::atomics<>.
How does FAAArrayQueue works?
It has some similarities with LazyIndexArrayQueue. For example, there is an enqidx and deqidx in each node, but they have different purposes: to provide a unique entry in the items array through the usage of a fetch-and-add (FAA) instruction (example code in C++).struct Node {
std::atomic<int> deqidx;
std::atomic<T*> items[BUFFER_SIZE];
std::atomic<int> enqidx;
std::atomic<Node*> next;
// Start with the first entry pre-filled and enqidx at 1
Node(T* item) : deqidx{0}, enqidx{1}, next{nullptr} {
items[0].store(item, std::memory_order_relaxed);
for (long i = 1; i < BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
items[i].store(nullptr, std::memory_order_relaxed);
This idea has been used before, for example by LCRQ itself, or by Yang and Mellor-Crummey (YMC queue) in "A Wait-Free Queue as Fast as Fetch-And-Add" http://chaoran.me/assets/pdf/wfq-ppopp16.pdf
The YMC uses this FAA approach to achieve high throughput and wait-free (unbounded) progress, and they even have the basic idea described in Listing 1 of their paper, but it's an obstruction free queue, while FAAArrayQueue is lock-free.
On the LazyIndexArrayQueue, the enqueue would start by looking for an empty entry, and then if it would do a sucessful CAS, it would update the enqidx. On FAAArrayQueue the logic is inverted: first we do FAA in enqidx to obtain the entry of the array, and then we do CAS on that particular entry:
void enqueue(T* item, const int tid) {
if (item == nullptr) throw std::invalid_argument("item can not be nullptr");
while (true) {
Node* ltail = hp.protect(kHpTail, tail, tid);
const int idx = ltail->enqidx.fetch_add(1);
if (idx > BUFFER_SIZE-1) { // This node is full
if (ltail != tail.load()) continue;
Node* lnext = ltail->next.load();
if (lnext == nullptr) {
Node* newNode = new Node(item);
if (ltail->casNext(nullptr, newNode)) {
casTail(ltail, newNode);
delete newNode;
} else {
casTail(ltail, lnext);
T* itemnull = nullptr;
if (ltail->items[idx].compare_exchange_strong(itemnull, item)) {
The whole node logic of inserting a new node and advancing tail and head is still the classical Michael-Scott algorithm, just like on the other 3 array-based queues we presented, and just like on LCRQ, or on YMC. Nothing new here.
For the dequeue, again the logic is inverted from the LazyIndexArrayQueue: first we do the FAA to get the index of the entry to dequeue, and then we do the CAS to obtain the item, or on this particular implementation, we do an atomic_exchange because it is supposed to be slightly faster on x86:
T* dequeue(const int tid) {
while (true) {
Node* lhead = hp.protect(kHpHead, head, tid);
if (lhead->deqidx.load() >= lhead->enqidx.load() &&
lhead->next.load() == nullptr) break;
const int idx = lhead->deqidx.fetch_add(1);
if (idx > BUFFER_SIZE-1) { // Node has been drained
Node* lnext = lhead->next.load();
if (lnext == nullptr) break; // No more nodes in the queue
if (casHead(lhead, lnext)) hp.retire(lhead, tid);
T* item = lhead->items[idx].exchange(taken);
if (item == nullptr) continue;
return item;
return nullptr;
The uncontended case does 1 FAA plus 1 CAS plus 1 hazard pointer (seq-cst store) for the enqueue, and a similar number of operations for the dequeue.
In x86, the FAA is a fast operation even under contention (as explained in the LCRQ paper), and both the CAS and the hazard pointer store are done with no contention, just like on LCRQ, hence the high throughput.
The comparison between FAAArrayQueue and LCRQ is not completely fair because they are slightly different beasts:
1. LCRQ is capable of re-using the entries in the items array and will not allocate a new node (with a new items array) unless the current one is already full. FAAArrayQueue is incapable of re-using entries in the items array. This is a clear advantage to LCRQ because it allows the re-usage of the same array (good cache-locality) so long as the queue is not too full. However, if memory usage is a concern for you, then keep in mind that the array of items in the LCRQ uses 128 bytes per entry, while on FAAArrayQueue uses just 8 bytes per entry (on a 64 bit machine).
2. LCRQ requires a double-word Compare-And-Swap (CAS2) instruction, which only exists for x86 and it is not part of any language's memory model or atomics API (that I'm aware of). Any LCRQ implementation is always x86 specific and must be done in a native language (i.e. C/C++/D are ok, Java is a no-no). FAAArrayQueue uses regular CAS which means it can be implemented in any CPU architecture (x86, powerpc, arm, etc) and any language with a memory model and atomics (C11,C++1x,D,Java,etc). Here the advantage is clearly on FAAArrayQueue's side.
If you want a high throughput, memory unbounded, MPMC, linearizable, portable lock-free queue, you'll have a hard time finding something better than FAAArrayQueue.